“Follow Me” were the words the disciples heard when Jesus recruited His twelve. We often introduce people to Christ by having them repeat a prayer at the close of a service, and that’s great. However, that’s not the finish line; that’s the starting point. Jesus wants to take you on a journey, the ride of your life. That’s what the words, “Follow Me,” are all about. If you’re going to go on a journey with Jesus, that journey is going to require you to move.
At A Church Called Home, we are committed to helping people grow. We want every person to experience the life-giving thrill of following Jesus. That’s why we encourage people to take next steps. It’s our prayer that you keep moving. Perhaps our greatest temptation is not to sin, but to settle. God is on the move; He’s always moving. Let’s never stop following Him. There are ten things we want every person to experience at A Church Called Home. We have listed each of those steps below.
info@acch.us | Tel: 1-865-643-8900
PO Box 14141 - Knoxville, TN 37914
5637 Strawberry Plains Pike - Knoxville, TN 37914